Monday, March 12, 2018

No Small God

The sudden clarity of the unexpected discovery left me utterly breathless. The life-long veil protecting my nakedness, dissolved instantly into nothingness, exposing the vulnerability of my soul. 

"I'm frightened", I shared with the friend who'd presented me the key, "Is this normal?" 

"Oh my gosh yes!" she replied, her knowing words calming my fears. 

A new adventure.....trepidation....excitement....these are the things she can understand. 

She's been there. 

This is no small feat, I remind myself cautiously, as I embark on this brand new journey.  But then again, this is no small God. 

And for that I am eternally grateful!!  


  1. I that your journey with God beside you all that you need, no matter what the fears and trepidation.

  2. New adventures can be exciting and scary at the same time. Prayers to you to calm any anxiety or stress so that you can fully enjoy what God intends you to do!
