Friday, March 23, 2018

Behind the Scenes

                                        Behind the Scenes 

I don't know about anyone else, but sometimes I forget about the amazing people behind the scenes that make our lives a little easier. Today, I personally witnessed the effort and teamwork of our custodial staff  as they successfully moved some incredibly heavy shelves, (filled with books), in preparation for a project that will be happening over break. It was no easy task.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm always grateful to our guys. They our kind, genuine, and quick to respond whenever I have a dilemma. I know how hard they work, and am always appreciative. 

But today, as I scurried about doing my own work, I was able to see a just little of what goes on every single day, behind the scenes, as they help to make our buildings function. 

A special thank you to our maintenance and custodial staff. You guys rock!!


  1. Custodial team spirit is always appreciated.

  2. How great is that!! You didn't even have to unpack the shelf?! Amazing! I love the story of an unsung hero. Thanks for sharing this bit of your day and reminding us to think of parts of the day that we may not witness.
    Shelf fairies, I don't think so!

  3. Awwww- they're the best! And there's that amazing library in the background---- I'm still and always forever sad.
