Saturday, March 24, 2018

Until next time...

It's the first official day of spring break, and we plan to make the best of it. It's time to get the gang together.

It all begins with the ding....ding....ding of cell phones.

Breakfast! we all agree, via text message.

Ding...What time u thinking?
Ding....9-9:30 ????
Ding....U want to try that new place?
Ding....Jeannie coming?
Ding....Yep,  meeting us there.
Ding....Yay!! :-)
Ding....K. See U soon:-)

And so it goes. No sleeping in. No dressing up. Just four ladies in blue jeans, exchanging hugs, crowding into a booth, and accepting menus we don't even look at.  We're happy! This is our chance to meet face to face. No texting, no emails....just pancakes and coffee and the good old fashioned art of conversation. Friendship at it's very best, at least for the next few hours.

Ding,,,,, It was fun!
Ding.....yes, let' do it again soon:-)
Ding.....Can't wait!

Until next time.......


  1. So fun. Enjoy every day that same way.

  2. I really like how you told your story in part by text messages. They remind me of the ones my friends and I exchange when we're planning a get-together. It is so great when you finally have time to meet face to face. Enjoy your Spring Break!

  3. I also like the text message structure, including the "ding" and the fact that each one could be from any one of the four of you or even me; it brings me into the experience with you.

  4. Great snippet of your day! Good friends, good food, better conversation. Can't beat it.

  5. I love your slice! I'm glad you got some time to catch up with friends and enjoy talking! Have a great Spring Break!

  6. I love your structure! I just flew through this slice and then I re-read a couple of times. So "in the moment!!" Such fun to connect with people you miss seeing.
